Member Code of Conduct

This Code of Conduct applies to all individuals associated with the Club, including members, staff, partners, and officials, and they are expected to abide by its guidelines.

All individuals associated with the club, including members, staff, and officials, are entitled to the following rights:

• To receive fair and equal treatment, as well as respect, from the Club, its staff, officials, and fellow members.

• To enjoy a social setting that is completely free from any type of harassment or discrimination.

• Member personal information will be kept private and confidential, unless consent is given. This includes records, documentation, and any other form of communication.

• Members are encouraged to stay informed and participate in all club events and offerings.

• Welcome to share their opinions, needs, and suggestions with the Management.

In order to maintain a positive and respectful environment, it is imperative that all members adhere to the following guidelines:

• Show fairness, equality, respect, and courtesy towards fellow members, guests, officials, venue staff, and other event attendees.

• Demonstrate responsible behavior and conduct themselves in a manner that upholds the reputation of the Club, its events, officials, participants, and sponsors, avoiding any actions that may cause harm or damage.

• It is expected that members participating in Porsche Club events refrain from driving in a manner that is reckless, dangerous, or inconsiderate, as this would tarnish the reputation of both the Club and the Porsche brand.

• Additionally, members are prohibited from engaging in any form of physical or verbal harassment towards fellow members, staff, or officials.

• Members are expected to refrain from criticizing other members, officials, staff, or continuously criticizing the Club when posting on forums or social media, regardless of whether it is Club-sponsored or not.

• If a member witnesses any inappropriate behavior by another member, they should report it to the Club Manager. In the event that the behavior involves the Club Manager, the report should be made to the Chairman or Vice Chairman for appropriate action and follow-up.

• It is important for members to adhere to and support the Code of Conduct.

Breaches of this Code of Conduct:

• Any member not behaving in accordance with the terms of the Code of Conduct at an event or within the clubhouse will be asked to leave immediately.

• The inappropriate behavior of any members will be investigated, discussed and an appropriate course of action will be taken by Mangement, which may include termination of Club membership.

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